The Brownfields Program was developed in 1995 within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assist tribal governments in identifying, cleaning up and reusing contaminated property in Indian country.
- Develop mechanisms and resources for oversight and enforcement of environmental issues.
- Complete timely survey and inventory of Brownfields sites within Red Lake Reservation Boundaries.
- Offer environmental training to tribal members that are interested in becoming certified workers that will make them competitive in the potential job market.
- Develop an outreach program that will help educate the community in environmental and Brownfields issues as well as provide meaningful opportunities for public participation.
If you know of any contaminated sites or areas with the Red Lake Reservation, please contact RL DNR at (218)679-3959 Ext.1068.
The Environmental Response/Brownfields project is designed to investigate and inventory sites where illegal dumping causes concern for potential environmental contamination. The project utilizes the Tribe’s Hazardous Substance Control Act (HSCA) for oversight and enforcement on such sights in an effort to prevent further contamination, remediate the sites for future use, and to protect human health and the environment.
The UST Program is a project that is designed to provide compliance assistance and federally credentialed inspections as well as technical support to Underground Storage Tanks (UST) owners and operators on the Reservation as well as other Minnesota reservations. The program’s goal is to ensure all UST owners are within significant operational compliance with federal regulations 40 CFR Part 280-281 in order to help protect groundwater resources from contamination.
The Hazardous Waste Collection project is working to develop and implement a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Plan to help reduce and manage hazardous wastes. We shall also study different hazardous waste disposal options.
The Emergency Response Planning and Community Right to Know project is currently finalizing our Tribal Emergency Response Plan to present to the Tribal Council for adoption. Additionally, we need to have annual emergency response exercises and reviews of the plan. The Environmental Program also conducts Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) programs on the Reservation and provides information to tribal members.